Activity 5: Quelles sont les informations sur un
billet de concert?
Minds on: We will review information found on concert tickets such as date, time, place, artist, seat location and price. We will talk about how it compares to information found on posters from previous lesson. What kind of questions can we ask to find the answers on the ticket?
Action: Divide yourselves into groups. Each group will have a "concert" ticket. Select a recorder for the group. Write the names of your group members on the lined sheet of paper and the numbers 1 to 6. These correspond to the questions written on the board.
One student in the group holds the ticket. The person to the right asks the first question, en français. The ticket holder finds the answer on the ticket and reply en français. The responder will try to reform the answer from the question. For example: "Qui présente le concert?" "La Slague présente le concert." Pass the ticket to the person who asked the question. The next person asks the next question. Meanwhile, the recorder writes down the answers. Pass the ticket to the recorder to help him or her with spelling.
When the group has answered all six questions, each student will create his or her own concert
ticket. Review the criteria
together. What details should be on the
ticket (la date, le lieu, l’artiste, le prix, le siège, la
section dans l’aréna, etc…)? Set together expectations
for correct spelling, organizational skills and writing in French.
Here is an example of a concert ticket. What information is not found on this ticket with regards to the questions being asked?
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