Friday, March 27, 2015

Franco Synchro

Voici une liste de chansons.
Choisissez une chanson de la liste.

Elle me dit – Mika
Hawaiien – Les Trois Accords
Bamboula – Les Trois Accords
Gratte moi – Les Trois Accords
CB Buddy – Swing
La goutte – Swing
Au nom du père et du fils et du set carré - Swing
Les yeux de Marie – Andrea Lindsay
Le problème avec toi – Andrea Lindsay avec Luc de Larochellière
Ma p’tit poupoune – Shilvi
Quand les poules auront les dents – Shilvi
Je veux tout – Ariane Moffatt
Je cours – Kyo
C .O.B.R.A- Marie Mai
Déjà Loin – Marie Mai
Stompa – Serena Ryder
À la claire fontaine – mini TFO (cup song)
Ecocup (Chanson practique)

Heartbreaker (version française)– Mia Martina
A la fin du monde - Xavier Caféine
Météore - Alpha Rococo
US Boy - Jena Lee
Les chutes de Niagara - Arthur l'aventurier
Tout est vraiment génial - Lego Movie
L'hiver s'en fuit - My Little Pony (Winter is leaving!)  or other My little Pony songs
Délivrer, Libérer - Frozen (or other Frozen soundtrack songs, en français)
Disney songs (en français)
Les bêtises - Bébé Lilly

We can do this as a class, or if you do not want to do it as a class, in your own groups.  I have no problem with students branching off on their own while the rest of the class does a song.

This list might make it easier for you to choose, as there are many songs out there, and some not appropriate.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

An Open Letter to My Students: Change ta mentalité! Growth Mindset.

I have been doing an online course about how we need to change how math is taught in schools.  There has been a lot of focus on changing Fixed Mindsets to Growth Mindsets, encouraging mistakes and enabling students to take risks and be persistent.

Knowledge is important, but what we need to know always changing and is learned from books.  Being persistent is a trait that is extremely important later on in life.  If a task becomes too difficult, an employer does not want to hire someone who is going to give up.  They want someone who will try and continue to work on figuring out what they need to do to be successful.

So, what is the difference between a Fixed Mindset and a Growth Mindset?

Take a look at this visual that has been floating around the internet.  As you can see, it talks specifically about math.

Changing our attitudes about how we teach math has been a hot topic the past few years.  We have also changed our attitudes with regards to learning languages.  Using the CEFR to assess students and giving you "I can" statements to achieve is a way of accessing a Growth Mindset in the language classroom.

Look at the statement, "I just can't do maths."  The answer is, "I am going to train my brain in maths."  This follows for learning a second language.  You are going to train your brain in French.  You need to put the effort in.  Yes, it is a challenge, but challenges are good.  Challenges mean you are learning.  Learning is important because it means growth.  Growth is important because it is what gives us humans meaning.

If this is "too hard", it means it is going to take some time and effort.  Effort does not mean you are not smart.  Effort is the secret to success and life.  Effort makes you smarter.  Effort is worthwhile, productive and enjoyable, or at least it should be.

If you "can't understand French", you need to try to understand through different strategies like visuals and gestures and context.  I am always trying to get you to see the context of what I am saying.  Look at the visual cues I am giving you.  Try to remember from previous classes.

If you "can't speak French", you will train your brain to learn French.  As I mentioned above, effort is necessary for learning.  It needs to be a challenge in order for you to learn.  If you can do it right away, you already know how to do it.  Move onto something more challenging ;).

If you want to "give up", ask for help instead.  I am there to help you and teach you how to speak French.  I want you to learn this language.  I want you to love speaking French.  Trust me.  It is fun.

If you are afraid to "make mistakes", remember that mistakes are what help you learn and improve.  I do not know how to speak French perfectly.  When I make a mistake, I try to find out why it was a mistake and improve on it for the next time.  Sometimes, I keep making the same mistake, but eventually, the correction comes to me automatically.  This is how we learn.

And, finally, if you think you "cannot make your work better", there is always room for improvement.  You have to keep trying.  For some reason you keep playing your video games over and over.  You do not give up, you keep going.  You have learned how to play something you did not know how to do before.  The same goes for school subjects.

Yes, there are times when it is boring.  There are times when your game is boring too.  But, once you get the basic down, you are able to advance.  Just think, if you knew how to speak French, I would have no problem letting you spend the 30 minutes in my class talking in French about whatever you like because you are speaking in French.  You have to put some effort in to get the reward.

Change your mentality.  Learn something new every day, and do not be afraid to make mistakes.  We learn from our failures.  Some of the most successful people got there because of their failures.  You are worth the effort.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Allons y au concert! La tâche finale.

Boggle Board:

Thème: à la cantine

Les mots de la semaine:
la musique
une chanson
un concert
une affiche
un billet
un casse-croûte
le guichet
une commande

Tâche finale:
Je peux inviter quelqu’un au concert et je peux acheter mon billet et un casse-croûte au guichet.  Je peux jouer le rôle du client ou du vendeur au guichet dans un scénario au concert.

Vous allez pratiquer en groupes de 3 à 5 les dialogues pour la saynète.  You will practice in groups of 3 to 5.  Below are the dialogues for the skit.

Il y a trois scènes:  Les deux amis, l'un invite l'autre au concert.  Un ami achète un billet au guichet du vendeur.  Un ami achète un casse-croûte de la cantine du vendeur.  There are three scenes.  One friend invites another to a concert.  One friend buys a ticket from the seller at the ticket counter.  One friend buys a snack from the cantina, from the vendor.

Les caractères:  deux amis, deux vendeurs
S'il y a trois personnes dans la groupe, il y a un vendeur.  S'il y a cinq personnes dans la groupe, on change les amis qui achètent le billet et le casse-croûte.  In your groups, assign each member a character to play.

Scène 1: Un ami invite un autre ami.
à la maison ou sur le téléphone:
E1: Est-ce que tu veux aller au concert avec moi?
E2: Oui, quel est l'artiste qui joue?
E1: Nous pouvons choisir entre  CHOISISSEZ 3 GROUPES. (exemple:  Swing, Jena Lee et Stefie Shock)
E2: Quelle musique est-ce que tu préfères?
E1: J'aime la musique  ÉNERGISANTE OU CALMANTE (pick the style of music you like).  Nous pouvons aller voir GROUPE (pick from your three groups).
E2: Oui, c'est la musique GENRE (genre of music of your group)!

Watch the video.  Regardez le vidéo.

Scène 2:  Acheter un billet pour le concert
Au guichet:
V: Est-ce que je peux vous aider?
E: Bonjour, est-ce que je peux acheter un billet pour le concert de GROUPE (pick your group), s'il vous plait?
V: Oui, il y a deux prix.  La section VIP coûte 50$ ou la section PICK SECTION coûte (amount)$ sur le balcon.
E: J'ai seulement CHOISISSEZ ENTRE 50$ ET TON PRIX EN HAUT.  Un billet pour un siège SECTION (the section you chose), s'il vous plait.

Note:  The dialogue here starts a couple of scenes in.

Scène 3:Acheter un casse-croute
à la cantine:
V: Est-ce que vous VOULEZ ou CHERCHEZ quelque chose à MANGER ou BOIRE?  
E: Ah oui, j'ai FAIM ou SOIF!  (nombre)  NOURRITURE ou BOISSON, s'il vous plait!
V: (nombre) NOURRITURE OU BOISSON, c'est (prix)$ chaque.  
E: Bien, voici (prix)$, merci.
V: De rien.  Amusez-vous au concert.

Watch the video.  Regardez le vidéo.

Vous pouvez changer les dialogues si vous voulez.  You can modify the dialogues as you see fit.  This is just a starting point.

Je vous donnerai du temps à practiquer en classe.  You will be given time in class to practice the dialogues before presenting in front of the class.  Each student will be evaluated individually.  See the rubric below.

(Rubric to be added)

Apportez des accessoires (props) si vous voulez.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Allons-y au concert! Achetons un casse-croûte.

Thème: à la cantine

Les mots de la semaine:
la musique
une chanson
un concert
une affiche
un billet
un casse-croûte
le guichet
une commande

Activity 6: Comprendre les commandes

Minds on:  Brainstorm concession items at a concert.  Qu'est-ce que nous pouvons acheter à la cantine? Les croustilles, une barre de chocolat, des bonbons, une boisson gazeuse, de l'eau etc.  What success criteria would we look for in a situation where you buy concession food items?  Je peux commander un casse-croûte.  Je peux comprendre une commande.  Je parle en français.  Je suis poli avec mes réponses.

Action:  Set the scene.  Students will work in groups of two or three to simulate a concession stand purchase at the concert.  Possible roles:  purchaser, friend, concession employee.  Sample dialogue amongst friends:  J'ai faim!  Est-ce que tu veux manger quelque chose?  Oui, je veux manger des croustilles.  At the concession stand:  Est-ce que je peux vous aider?  Oui, je veux des croustilles, s'il vous plaît.  Bon, un sac de croustille, c'est $2, s'il vous plaît.  Voici, $5, merci.  Votre sac de croustilles et $3.  De rien.  Amusez-vous au concert.

Consolidation:  Review success criteria.  Were you successful?

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Allons-y au concert! Information sur un billet de concert.

Activity 5: Quelles sont les informations sur un billet de concert?

Minds on:  We will review information found on concert tickets such as date, time, place, artist, seat location and price.  We will talk about how it compares to information found on posters from previous lesson.  What kind of questions can we ask to find the answers on the ticket?

Action:  Divide yourselves into groups.  Each group will have a "concert" ticket.  Select a recorder for the group.  Write the names of your group members on the lined sheet of paper and the numbers 1 to 6.  These correspond to the questions written on the board.

One student in the group holds the ticket.  The person to the right asks the first question, en français.  The ticket holder finds the answer on the ticket and reply en français.  The responder will try to reform the answer from the question.  For example:  "Qui présente le concert?"  "La Slague présente le concert."  Pass the ticket to the person who asked the question.  The next person asks the next question.  Meanwhile, the recorder writes down the answers.  Pass the ticket to the recorder to help him or her with spelling.

When the group has answered all six questions, each student will create his or her own concert ticket.  Review the criteria together.  What details should be on the ticket (la date, le lieu, l’artiste, le prix, le siège, la section dans l’aréna, etc…)? Set together expectations for correct spelling, organizational skills and writing in French.

Consolidation:  Review progress and discuss common errors.  Next steps may include having peers review each others work.

Here is an example of a concert ticket.  What information is not found on this ticket with regards to the questions being asked?

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Allons-y au concert. Les informations sur les affiches.

De retour!  Boggle!
Le thème: au concert

Les mots de la semaine:
la musique
une chanson
un concert
une affiche
un billet
un casse-croûte
le guichet
une commande

Activity 4: Cherchons les informations sur les affiches

Minds on:  Find information in concert posters.  Brainstorm together what is important for the concert-goer (ex. who, where, date, time, cost).  Qui, Où, Quand, Prix.  Cherchons les information sur une affiche.

Action:  Using a Jeopardy game setting, practice answering in the form of a question. Group A asks Group B to point to a detail on one of the posters.  A Person from Group B points to the answer. Next step is to form the questions. Quel est le nom du concert le 18 mai?  Quelle est la date du concert de Sultan?  Quel est le jour du concert?  Où se passe le concert?  Quel groupe joue au concert?  À quelle heure est le concert?

Allons-y au concert! Demandez une question, répondez poliment.

Activity 3:  Est-ce que tu veux aller au concert de ____avec moi? (QDJ)

Minds on:  Quelle musique est-ce que tu aimes?  Est-ce que tu préfères les rythmes calmants ou énergisants? Quel groupe est-ce que tu préfères?  Listen to music by each artist (Jena Lee, Stefie Shock, Swing).  Quel genre de musique est-ce que c’est? (pop)  Est-ce que c’est la musique calmante ou énergisante? 

Action:  Inviter quelqu’un d’aller au concert (choix de Jena Lee, Stefie Shock, Swing).  Practice saying, "Est-ce que tu veux aller au concert de _____ avec moi?  Comment dire une réponse polie?  Do you think it’s acceptable to answer just Oui or non?  Comment je peux dire une bonne réponse pour oui?  Oui, j’aime beaucoup la musique de ___!  C’est énergisante!  ou  Non, merci.  Je préfère la musique de ___.
Set the success criteria for the day together (3 or 4 items).  For example, I can ask a friend to a concert.  (Je peux inviter un ami au concert.)  I can accept politely.  (Je peux accepter poliment.)  Je parle en français.

Consolidation: Using your hand, indicate how many of the success criteria you were able to complete, one finger for each criteria completed successfully.