Les mots de la semaine:
la musique
une chanson
un concert
une affiche
un billet
un casse-croûte
le guichet
une commande
This is Laurie Tate-Sinclair's unit: Au Concert
Summative Task: You and a partner(s) will
role-play ordering concert tickets at the ticket counter– one/two
concert-goers, one ticket agent.
Possible Success Criteria:
· Students can use polite
greetings and language
· Students can order a
drink or a snack
· Students can give
details about the concert (artist, date, time, seat)
· Students can ask simple
questions to clarify the order
· Students can answer simple
questions that the ticket agent asks about your order
· Students can “pay” for
their tickets and snack at the counter
1: Quelle est ta musique préférée? Quel genre de musique est-ce que tu préfères?
Minds on: You will brainstorm genres of music. Come up with some success criteria, such as: you will be able to express, en français, what style of music you like, and what style you do not like. Can you express yourself in French and stay on topic.
Action: With the use of Four Corners, Quatre Coins, see who like similar music to yourself. Discuss artists of that genre of music. Essayez de s'exprimer en français. ''Quelle musique est-ce que la majorité de la classe aime?'' You move to a genre of music you do not like. Discuss which genre ''la majorité de la class n'aime pas ou très peu''. Do you know artists from this genre?
Consolidation: At the end, ''Montrez-moi ton pouce.'' Did you meet the success criteria for the lesson?
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