Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Le futur proche

There are also several ways to talk about the future in French.  We are going to learn about "futur proche".  The equivalent in English would be when you say, "I am going to do something".  The verb "to go" in French is the verb "aller".  We use "futur proche" for things that will happen in a few minutes, hours or days.

The form for conjugating in "le futur proche" is:

Subject + le verb aller + infinitive (unconjugated) verb

Je vais manger un pain.                             Nous allons courir dehors.
Tu vas aller au restaurant.                         Vous allez conduire.
Il va dormir ce soir.                                   Ils vont regarder un film.
Elle va nager dans le lac.                           Elles vont lire des livres.
On va chanter une chanson.

Le verb ALLER
Je vais               Nous allons
Tu vas               Vous allez
Il va                   Ils vont
Elle va               Elles vont
On va

Here's a video with the verb ALLER conjugated in the present tense.  It uses the music of Étienne, from

The following worksheet has several examples of "futur proche", ALLER + INFINITIF.

When writing about New Year's resolutions, we will be using "futur proche". 

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